
A Wonderful Project in Point Grey

 January 31, 2017 at 4:37 pm   |     Author:   |     Posted in Recently Completed Projects/Jobs  

There are two types of people that live in Point Grey: those who are doing well financially, and those that have lived there going on 80 years.   West Coast Modernscape’s recent client was the later.

A relatively small project turned into a labour of love this past month.  Ray met with an elderly gentleman to discuss some treework to open up a spectacular view of the water.  After a little while on the job it was realized that the gentleman would attempt to keep up the pruning himself, after Ray was gone.  It was decided that the job would be expanded (at no additional cost) to keep this elder gardener safe.

The crew from West Coast Modernscape cleared the area then built several terraces to allow safe and easy access.  The decks were finished off with a pressure wash and anti-slip strips.

Now Ray doesn’t neccessarily like working without payment.  But he never leaves a job unsafe or undone.  This project was a little deposit in the kharma bank; we hope it will encourage all to put in a little charitable elbow grease, when the time comes.

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